Fireball A/S
2100, København Ø
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Aktuelle e-papers:
Fireball | Strategisk designbureau
Gennem udvikling af stærke brandidentiteter og strategiske virksomhedstransformationer styrker vi brands med udgangspunkt i det stærke produkt, der sælger og positionerer virksomheden.
Hos Fireball er vi specialister i discipliner såsom udvikling af taktiske markedsføringsindsatser over strategisk branding og kreativt design til identitetsudvikling og kommercielle strategier. Vi kan derfor både snakke med omkring æstetisk packaging design såvel som større transformationer af brands og virksomheder med komplekse udfordringer med kommercielle og produktspecifikke strategier for øje.
Af udvalgte projekter kan vi bl.a. nævne, at vi i øjeblikket arbejder med:
1) Flying Tiger Copenhagen: kommerciel strategi, platform for e-commerce, produktstrategi og en app
2) TDC Erhverv: rebranding
3) Positively Produced: et europæisk bæredygtighedsmærke til fødevarer for et dansk-tysk grænsepartnerskab
4) Toms Ekstra: emballagedesign og relancering
5) LB Forsikring: rebranding
6) PFA Pension: reaktivering af brand
Læs mere om vores aktuelle cases på:
Repositioning a workwear classic
The Kansas workwear brand was worn out, and the solution was a complete repositioning.
The brand platform ‘Cut from a different cloth’ is rooted in Kansas’ own high-performance fabrics; Kansas Fabrics® which we have named, conceptualized and redesigned. They help building a differentiating and long lasting position.
The repositioning is supported by a 360° makeover of the visual identity that lifts Kansas’ core values; durability, functional design and craftsmanship, into modern work wear.
The Untold Stories of Flying Tiger Copenhagen
It is not known to everyone that Flying Tiger actually designs products in Denmark, and that the brand is working towards a more sustainable production and standards.
In order to tell these stories, we created a digital publication and campaign titled ‘Untold Stories’. A publication dramatizing powerful strategic messages about the Flying Tiger Copenhagen brand through their fixed assortment. Highlighting the value of the products and ultimately strengthening the attractiveness and relevance.
Food products beyond sustainability
This EU project is a cross-border partnership between Germany and Denmark with the goal of bettering our planet by making next level food production part of the solution to a polluted planet.
By developing food products that absorb more CO2 than they emit through production the community of food producers directly contribute to a better environment. We call it Positively Produced, which also serves as our label for such CO2 positive products.
Branding the life out west
Despite being the second biggest tourist attraction of Denmark, the west coast lacked a joint identity in order to promote local experiences. Thus, Fireball created a brand that unifies all parts of the west coast under the same identity and communication platform.
As inspiration for the brand identity, we chose the 11 historical and protected beacons that are placed along the west coast, which serve as the foundation for a bold logo universe in order to express the 'life out west'.