3 Ways to Improve Sales and Marketing Alignment
Struggling with the old dog fight between Sales and Marketing? Are your marketing efforts never good enough to meet the demands from Sales?
You are not the only one. In this webinar Pam Didner will give you three creative ways to improve Sales and Marketing alignment. You will get:
- A framework to evaluate your current processes and avoid misalignment
- Practical ideas that can help you improve sales and marketing alignment today
- Inspiration to drive productive conversations between Sales and Marketing
Join us live on December 4th, 14:00-15:00 CET (Dansk tid).
Hurry up! We only have 100 seats available.
Pam Didner
B2B Marketing Consultant
Pam Didner is a marketing consultant, writer, speaker and author of 2 books: Global Content Marketing and Effective Sales Enablement. She has given presentations and workshops in the US, Europe, South America and Asia. Her forte is to create successful global marketing plans that meet local marketing and sales team’s needs. She shares marketing thoughts at pamdidner.com and contributes articles to the Guardian, the Huffington Post, Content Marketing Institute, and other publications.
Niklas Laugesen
CEO & Co-founder of NAPP A/S
Niklas Laugesen is the CEO & Co-founder of Napp A/S. Niklas is selected as Entrepreneur of the Year twice and holds a Master of Law degree from Copenhagen University. As CEO of Napp, Niklas and his team have built a sales enablement platform representing more than 30,000 monthly sales reps and covering clients in 35 countries. With a customer-focused mindset Niklas knows what Sales and Marketing teams struggle with and how well-aligned teams provide better buying experiences.
The first 20 registrants who also show up at the webinar will get a free copy of Pam Didner’s new book “Effective Sales Enablement” and a mystery gift bag!
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3 Ways to Improve Sales and Marketing Alignment
In this webinar Pam Didner will give you three creative ways to improve Sales and Marketing alignment.
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