Humanising the Customer Experience
We live in a time where digital channels and technology have come to play a significant role in delivering a seamless and efficient customer experience.
However, in order to create a truly great customer experience, delivering a “human touch” throughout the customer journey is crucial. Something which, for many companies, has proven to be a challenge.
Come join us on 7 November and be inspired by Novo Nordisk, TDC and Alm. Brand on how they have succeeded with humanising the customer experience, benefitting both customers and employees.
In specific, get insights on the following key questions:
- How do we find the right balance between human and digital channels?
- How do we create strong cross-functional teams to enable a seamless customer experience?
- How do we drive the internal transformation towards a 360 degree customer-oriented company?
Succeeding at these challenges requires significant investments into new systems, capabilities and resources. But that alone won’t do it. We believe that the “human touch” and how you face the customers remain a critical element in creating unique experiences along the customer journey. We call it “humanising the customer experience”.
08:30 Doors open and light breakfast
09:00 Welcome and introduction
09:30 Inspiration from Novo Nordisk, Alm. Brand and TDC - followed by round table discussions
11:30 Panel discussions and Q&A session
12:00 Lunch and networking
Novo Nordisk: Creating a world-class customer support programme
Jenna Copeland, Kristensen Global Director, Patient Support Programme
Bjørn Lyman, Global Project Lead, Patient Support Programme
Novo Nordisk has for a long time been a front-runner within the healthcare industry, diabetes treatment and devices. Over the last couple of years, they have significantly increased their focus on delivering a seamless and human experience to their end users (the patients) across channels on a global scale.
Jenna Copeland Kristensen, Global Director, and Bjørn Lyman, Global Project Lead, have built up the Patient Support Programme at Novo Nordisk and are continuously focusing on how to develop a humanised customer experience by using both digital and analogue touchpoints.
Alm. Brand: Transforming the organisation towards a 360 degree customer perspective
Rasmus Lynge, Group Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer
While turbulence in the financial markets naturally increases the need for agility and adaptability, Alm. Brand has worked for the opportunity to create a unique position in the Danish market. The overall goal was to create a whole new customer experience, offering tailor-made solutions to fit customers’ individual needs and situation when and where they needed it.
Rasmus Lynge, Group Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer, from Alm. Brand will share his perspective on how to succeed with transforming the organisation into a customer-centric company.
TDC Erhverv: Establishing an agile mindset to drive a seamless customer experience
Adam Vieth, Senior Vice President
In a time where competition is fierce and customers’ expectations have never been higher, TDC is facing a challenge on how to deliver a seamless customer experience that benefits not only customers but also employees and sales.
Adam Vieth, Senior Vice President at TDC Erhverv, will share his experience on how TDC has managed to drive a more customer-centric organisation, increase internal efficiency and enable a faster response to market demands.
(Der er et begrænset antal pladser. Deltagelse er gratis, men ved udeblivelse faktureres 750 kr. til dækning af omkostninger)
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Humanising the Customer Experience
Come join us on 7 November and be inspired by Novo Nordisk, TDC and Alm. Brand on how they have succeeded with humanising the customer experience, benefitting both customers and employees.
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