Seminarer og webinarer
Arbejder du med B2B marketing og har du konstant brug for relevante leads, så er leadgenerator noget for dig. Dette webinar komme...læs mere
Dette webinar stiller skarpt på, hvordan du udnytter dit digitale setup til at frigive energi i dit salgsteam. Dette gør webinar...læs mere
Mange B2B indsatseer handler om leadgenerering, men de mest succesfulde virksomheder har først og fremmest styr på hele processe...læs mere
After Klaus Riskær's keynote, MARKET had the pleasure to talk to him about how he thinks digitalization has changed marketing tod...læs mere
MARKET asked one of the organizers of DDA15, the Chairman at Danish Advertiser Association, Otto B. Christiansen, what va...læs mere
MARKET talked to the CEO of Dwarf A/S, Kim Skjoldborg, who thinks that customer experience is key today!...læs mere
MARKET asked Martin Majlund and Simon Thorup from Carlsberg Group what it would mean for them to win a price at Danish Digital Awa...læs mere
MARKET asked the former digital director of Connected, Christian Bach, what we can expect to see one or two years ahead in the dig...læs mere
The marketing director of Royal Unibrew A/S, Stephanie Illgner was chairman of the jury for the DDA-categories, brand communicatio...læs mere
The first year of Danish Digital Award went beyond all expectations. Last night creative people from companies, bureaus and agenci...læs mere
What makes customers choose the same product or service over and over? ‘’Customer or Citizen Experience’’ is one of the ca...læs mere
What is the idea behind the category “Experimental” in the new Danish Digital Award? MARKETcommunity has asked chairman of tha...læs mere