Responsive content strategy: how content needs change on mobile

Designing a mobile-friendly website is critical, especially considering the various advantages that mobile optimization grants in Google search results and conversion rates across devices. But deciding on a content strategy for responsive web comes down to more than design and layout.

Designers and developers need to have insight into how their web visitors are using the page, and what expectations they have for the content. In the end, the content delivered to mobile users should bear in mind mobile-specific use cases, play into the users’ prior experience with web content, and prioritize content as it becomes relevant based on contextual device data.

First, brand web developers need to consider why mobile users might be accessing the site. What needs or expectations change depending on their device form factor? For example, mobile banking customers might access a mobile website to quickly check balances or make immediate transfers. Transaction histories and specific account data might be relevant to their needs on desktop, but aren’t tasks that lend themselves to the lightning-fast mobile user’s desires. Designing the web interface and arranging site content in such a way as to accelerate common tasks and

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