The Blog Learning Curve: How to improve your results

There’s a blog learning curve: Your blogging results improve as your knowledge of blogging increases over time.In manufacturing, this is called the experience curve.

Heidi Cohen is the President of Riverside Marketing Strategies and an actionable marketing expert. Heidi works with online media companies and e-tailers to increase profitability with innovative marketing programs based on solid analytics.

10 Tricks To Smarter Blogging Based On Your Experience

There’s a blog learning curve: Your blogging results improve as your knowledge of blogging increases over time. In manufacturing, this is called the experience curve. Based on cost behavior analysis, it was developed in the 1960s by Bruce D. Henderson and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).The 85% experience curve means that unit costs drop 15% from their original level with every doubling of output. While based on manufacturing, these 8 experience curve elements are adapted to improve your blogging learning curve.

  1. Increase efficiency. Members of your blogging team gain experience so that they know how to develop, craft and present optimal posts. As a result, they’re more confident and create shortcuts
  2. Improve blogging with standardization and specialization. By implementing processes such as

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