Do brands engage their customers through social media?

A recent study at Aarhus University aimed to test the true drivers and outcomes of customer engagement on social media. Get the valuable insights here and learn how to respond to them as a marketer.

Social networking is currently the most popular online activity among consumers worldwide. According to recent statistics, it accounts for almost one in every five minutes spent online, and reaches 82% of the entire world’s online population, which represents an audience of nearly 1.2 billion internet users. Not surprisingly, the industry has followed the consumer and almost 94% of all businesses with a marketing department have established their presence and continuously pursue engaging their customer base on at least one of the “Big Three” social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Without any clear definition, application or measurement, the concept of customer engagement has become commonplace among marketers. More and more resources are being invested in social media and brands from all over the world continue to grow their online fan base. However, if we take a better look at the engagement metrics, such as “Talking about it” on Facebook, we will see that even the most

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