Seminarer og webinarer
Lavthængende frugter er fordele, du kan høste, så du hurtigere kan nå dine mål og vækste din virksomhed. Ideen med web...læs mere
Arbejder du med B2B marketing og har du konstant brug for relevante leads, så er leadgenerator noget for dig. Dette webinar komme...læs mere
Dette webinar stiller skarpt på, hvordan du udnytter dit digitale setup til at frigive energi i dit salgsteam. Dette gør webinar...læs mere
Mange B2B indsatseer handler om leadgenerering, men de mest succesfulde virksomheder har først og fremmest styr på hele processe...læs mere
In Sweden they have an alcohol monopoly, where only the store called Systembolaget is allowed to sell alcohol. Stated at Systembol...læs mere
Too many businesses aren’t focusing on what’s good for them. In this article the interior designer, Bettina Therese, will expl...læs mere
Since its inception in 2008 Nudge has emerged as a prominent and effective strategy for policy development and generated new avenu...læs mere
In a global world of massive complexity, constant changes, and increased diversity in our workplace, workforce and marketplace, th...læs mere
Do you ever feel you’re being influenced by things beyond your control? Well you’re not alone. In 2009 the UK government put t...læs mere
You are probably familiar with the term “Nudging”; it has been thrown around a lot in relation to health initiatives and gover...læs mere
During the last 40 years significant scientific progress has been made in uncovering the irrational psychological factors that sys...læs mere
Cognitive psychology and behavioral economics have demonstrated again and again that small and apparently insignificant contextual...læs mere
This very short guide to nudging is written by Cass R. Sunstein, who is seen as one of the founders of the concept, nudging. The g...læs mere