Hvad kan vi lære af Kina om next step af Social Media?
Hvis du vil kigge ind i, hvad den nære fremtid vil bringe inden for sociale media – og de indbyggede kommercielle muligheder – er Kina en god krystalkugle.
LÆS MERE2025-02-05: Natasja Nielsen, Studerende, IBA 2025-02-05: Eva Højfeldt, Senior Brand & Communication Manager, Danish Crown 2025-02-03: Anders Filip Overby Lauritzen, Marketing manager, andersen & nielsen as 2025-01-30: Clara Lausen, Freelance, Sehuras 2025-01-30: Gitte Böse, Director, Demant A/S 2025-01-30: Ernst Eskildsen, Udviklingsdirektør, RNST 2025-01-21: Mathilde Sørensen, Sr. Marketing Manager - B2B, København-Oslo ruten 2025-01-15: René Kucza, Pt. ledig, Pt. ledig
Posted by Redaktionen | Apr 16, 2021 | Artikler, #101 Facebook Marketing, #97 Insta, Snap & Twitter, #78 Social Marketing |
Hvis du vil kigge ind i, hvad den nære fremtid vil bringe inden for sociale media – og de indbyggede kommercielle muligheder – er Kina en god krystalkugle.
LÆS MEREPosted by Mikkel Bach-Andersen | Dec 28, 2015 | Artikler, #78 Social Marketing |
As companies have witnessed a change in their customers’ purchasing behaviour and a fragmentation of the media landscape, they are not only rethinking the way they interact with their customers, but also how they organise. In line with these changes, involvement in social media is becoming the norm. But how to master these new media?
LÆS MEREPosted by Eric Ziengs | Sep 28, 2015 | Artikler, #78 Social Marketing |
Journalism is in trouble. Except for when it comes to Content Marketing. In traditional media journalists must create more and more content in less and less time. To really go in depth is rare, but journalists working with Content Marketing often get the resources to do so
LÆS MEREPosted by Anders Lunde | Sep 28, 2015 | Artikler, #78 Social Marketing |
I den seneste udgave af Market Community var der divergerende holdninger til sociale medier som markedsføringskanal for virksomheder i B2B-branchen. Netop det emne har jeg – ikke overraskende – også en mening om.
LÆS MEREPosted by Peter Anders Franch | Sep 28, 2015 | Artikler, #78 Social Marketing |
The future of marketing will be driven by data. This was the rather surprising result of our interviews with the heads of marketing at Maersk Line, Carlsberg Danmark and Secunia.
LÆS MEREPosted by Nicolai Hæggelin | Sep 28, 2015 | Artikler, #78 Social Marketing |
Even though social selling might sound like a simple philosophy, it can be a bumpy road to success. Some sales reps expect that marketing can ensure that social selling succeeds, which is a huge mistake.
LÆS MEREPosted by Charlotte Sørrig Zahll Larsen | Sep 28, 2015 | Artikler, #78 Social Marketing |
Nogle mener at marketing via sociale medier var spild af tid for de fleste B2B virksomheder, bl.a. grundet at aktiviteterne på de sociale medier er ressourcekrævende, at udbyttet ikke altid er nævneværdigt og at indsatsen derfor måske er bedre brugt på mere traditionelle marketingtiltag.
LÆS MEREPosted by Naja Lybecker | Sep 28, 2015 | Artikler, #78 Social Marketing |
Have you ever experienced that people have a hard time understanding what you actually do for a living? Well, as a PR Manager in the lifestyle industry, I experience that all the time
LÆS MEREPosted by Bo Ekkelund | Sep 28, 2015 | Artikler, #78 Social Marketing |
Social media always seems to create a lot of buzz, what’s trending, what’s not; everyone seems to be involved. But, if you are in B2B marketing, is there actually a positive ROI to be found from using social media? We often hear success stories – but how many of these are actually from the B2B side?
LÆS MEREPosted by Steve Goldner | Sep 28, 2015 | Artikler, #78 Social Marketing |
It is a reality all brands and marketers must come to. Who has stronger influence on the awareness, consideration, purchase, and loyalty of your brand? You the marketer or others telling friends, family, and colleagues about the positives and negatives of your product or service?
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