Just as people can be charismatic and achieve charismatic followership, so can products and brands. Achieving a charismatic brand ...læs mere


I was thirteen and convinced that I would transform into a preppy East coast college girl if I just got that classic white Marco P...læs mere


A study of Denmark's 98 municipality websites and the 98 largest corporate websites* shows that municipalities are doing a better ...læs mere


What are the brands you patronize and continually purchase? I’ll bet they are brands you respect and trust. Creative advertiseme...læs mere


When you talk about a good story, you are actually talking about “narrative desire”. The story created a desire in you – and...læs mere


The digitalisation of the buying process and customer experience has fundamentally changed how companies see their brand. Some pun...læs mere


With an ever-increasing number of platforms and channels for companies to showcase and demonstrate their achievements, the need fo...læs mere