The future of blogging - 2016 blog trend predictions

It seems pretty crazy to do a blog trends post for 2016 only half way into 2015. I mean, it's only August, right? When we get to the half way point in the year, we usually look back at the goals we set ourselves in January, and ask ourselves whether we have achieved what we wanted for our online spaces. If not, then why? But now is also a great time to look to the future and see what changes are being made and how online spaces are evolving, right this very moment! This gives us the opportunity to see how we can be steps ahead by the time 2016 hits us. Discover the top 2016 blog trend predictions and what the future of blogging looks like in this post.

Personally I think the biggest changes with blogs and online spaces are being made right now and this post will explain the trends that are emerging with blogging and being creative for your online space. Everything with the online world shifts and changes, and trends emerge - some fall flat but others transform what we thought we knew. Of course,

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