Seminarer og webinarer

Marketing, IT, Økonomi, Salg
WEBINAR, 23. januar

Det øgede fokus og regulering på privacy og tredjepartsdata betyder, at der ikke længere er plads til IKKE at tilpasse sig den ...læs mere




Successful business acumen is all about optimising digital business across the entire value chain. E-commerce has become much more...læs mere


In-store shopping is already being combined with online shopping. Consumers are merging the two without even thinking about it. Th...læs mere


Every day, another 15,000 new ads pop up at featuring both new and second-hand shoes, bags, dresses and whatever els...læs mere


In less than five years, Zalando has grown from being a small online shoe shop operated from a shared flat in Berlin to become Eur...læs mere


Claus Stadel, User Experience Designer at Jyske Bank shows how to make a really great mobile site that rocks on your desktop too....læs mere


Lise Korsgaard, Head of Communications, takes us behind the scenes on Statens Museum for Kunst’s latest campaign playing with th...læs mere


Why is interactive design important? Senior Interaction Designer at Designit, Damion Bailey, gives you his point of view....læs mere


How do you get young business students to be interested in accountancy? You play a game, according to Jan Wie, Head of Communicati...læs mere


The world of digital communication has changed over the last few years – now it’s time to wake up according to Mobile Director...læs mere