Seminarer og webinarer
Det øgede fokus og regulering på privacy og tredjepartsdata betyder, at der ikke længere er plads til IKKE at tilpasse sig den ...læs mere
‘Støt Brysterne’ is one of The Danish Cancer Society’s largest fundraising campaigns. The primary goal is to raise money fo...læs mere
If you want to engage people in your brand, well, first of all you have to identify your audience and be of relevance to them. We ...læs mere
This fall 68.000 people went online and created their own McDonald’s burger, and more than 250.000 fans like, share and comment ...læs mere
The most trusted source of information about your company comes, not from you, but from your highly satisfied customer, says Rob F...læs mere
A recent study at Aarhus University aimed to test the true drivers and outcomes of customer engagement on social media. Get the v...læs mere
It is a well accepted fact that using emotional mechanisms in-store is critical for increasing customer spend. It is also clear th...læs mere
Dr. Jonas Ridderstråle is an author, professor and one of the world’s most influential and respected business thinkers and spea...læs mere
Increasing online sales pose a challenge to retailers with physical stores, but how should they respond to the challenge? Jacob Le...læs mere
Downtown was launched in May 2010, as the first daily-deal business in Denmark. Every day, members receive an email featuring new ...læs mere