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Tag: IT

Big Data – what it is and why it does matter

AGENDA 1. How big is Big Data? Emerging new ways of doing things, of living really,  are today generating data that has been loosely classified as “Big Data”. But how do we quantify Big Data? 2. Why Big Data matters Big Data matters not only because of the technological challenges it imposes – and it will often be the intangible effects that will transform the way we work and live. In essence, Big Data matters because it captures not only things but also individuals’ behaviour and thoughts at a very fine level of granularity in near real-time! 3. Big Data strategy –  a few prerequisites to get started Map out and proritize your  use case(s) What are your capabilities? What are you willing to...


Big Data and the future

AGENDA 1. The three V’s Big Data is defined by the three V’s: Volume – increase in amount of data, velocity – increase in speed and variety – increase in range of data and sources. The output of data will therefore increase faster than the ability to interpret them. 2. Trust is central Institutions and companies have to be transparent in what personal information is used for and NEVER try to cheat: it will come out sooner or later. Trust takes time to build but can vanish in a second! 3. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Big Data is – like most new technologies – a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde phenomenon. Director Emeritus Johan Peter Paludan concludes this presentation by showing how collecting data can be used both in good and bad...


Look around – Big Data is everywhere

AGENDA 1.    What is Big Data? Big Data is everywhere – Market signals, sensors, social media content, e-mails, video content and click streams. 2.    Why should we care? Growth and welfare comes through technology, data and people. Use Big Data to get to know your customer and be more relevant. 3.    How do we get startet? Big Data is out there. Open your eyes, identify, collect and visualize and gain the competitive...


Internettet anno 2006

Internetbegejstring blev til dot-com, som blev til en boble, der som bekendt for de fleste brast for nogle år tilbage. Men på trods af de mange forliste projekter, uforløste ambitioner og skuffede stor- og småinvestorer forsvandt mediet jo ikke – det har tværtimod siden udviklet sig til det absolut primære medium for kommunikationsfolk og markedsførere i stort set alle afkroge af verden. Market har bedt nogle af Danmarks fremtrædende internetpersonligheder med forskellige specialer give deres bud på de aktuelt mest spændende udviklinger for mediet.


Martin Thorborg om nettet: History repeats itself

For ikke så lang tid siden rystede folk på hovedet, hvis man havde modet til at påstå, at fremtiden kunne findes på internettet. I dag hersker der for de fleste ingen tvivl om mediets uhyre centrale rolle i alle former for kommunikation. Market har bedt internetpioneren og nuværende direktør for Spamfighter, Martin Thorborg tegne et overbliksbillede af internettet anno 2006. Hvad er status? Hvad er der sket siden den gang, vi alle sammen næsten ikke kunne tale om andet end dot-com? Hvad lærte vi – den gang og siden? Og hvilke forventninger kan vi på den baggrund tillade os at have til fremtidens internet?