Technology is key to giving consumers a richer shopping experience

The consumer wants a richer shopping experience. Technology is the answer. - In the palm of almost every consumer is a smart phone and with that we can add to the shopping experience in a way that we never could before, says Dr. Paul Marsden - a psychologist based in London who has specialized in consumer behavior, shopping trends and in-store technology.

Dr. Paul Marsden is a consumer psychologist, writer and researcher with a deep interest in branding, trends and technology. He is also a former bodybuilder.
But these days he is mostly wrestling with the question of how to “reinvent retail for the connected customer” - the subtitle for a white paper he just wrote. He also writes two blogs on related subjects: ”Viralculture : Content Marketing for the Mind” and ”The Digital Intelligent Today”.

Do use see the need for the retail industry to ad more technology to their stores in order to compete with the online world?

- I think that the only way the in-store retail industry will be able to compete is by using the new model of omni store commerce. That the

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