Den digitale revolution er fantastisk spændende og udfordrende samtidig. I foråret fik jeg en ny bil. Jeg har en smartphone med ...læs mere


From technology trends to changing business models to evolving consumer behaviors, there’s a lot to consider in order for todayâ...læs mere


MarketCommunity has talked with the CEO of Bloggers Delight, Henrik Akselbo, about what the bloggers and the companies can gain fr...læs mere


Journalism is in trouble. Except for when it comes to Content Marketing. In traditional media journalists must create more and mor...læs mere


I den seneste udgave af Market Community var der divergerende holdninger til sociale medier som markedsføringskanal for virksomhe...læs mere


The future of marketing will be driven by data. This was the rather surprising result of our interviews with the heads of marketin...læs mere


Even though social selling might sound like a simple philosophy, it can be a bumpy road to success. Some sales reps expect that ma...læs mere


Nogle mener at marketing via sociale medier var spild af tid for de fleste B2B virksomheder, bl.a. grundet at aktiviteterne på de...læs mere


Have you ever experienced that people have a hard time understanding what you actually do for a living? Well, as a PR Manager in t...læs mere


Social media always seems to create a lot of buzz, what’s trending, what’s not; everyone seems to be involved. But, if you are...læs mere


It is a reality all brands and marketers must come to. Who has stronger influence on the awareness, consideration, purchase, and l...læs mere


Social media is a tumultuous playing field. While it’s been dominated fairly consistently by Facebook since the late 2000s, ever...læs mere


I see it often: Businesses hire a blogger, or rely on an existing employee to spearhead their content strategy. They have high hop...læs mere


My Boss Said Yes To The Blog: What Do I Do Now? In this article, the president of Riverside Marketing strategies, Heidi Cohen, wil...læs mere


Is blogging for everyone and what does it really take? MARKET talked to the Danish consultancy company, Manto, about their blog na...læs mere


Nordnet started their blog, Nordnetbloggen to get people to share information, experience and tips about investment. In this artic...læs mere


It seems pretty crazy to do a blog trends post for 2016 only half way into 2015. I mean, it's only August, right? When we get to t...læs mere


‘’I’ve heard blogging referred to a couple of times recently as a mixture between an art and a science. If this is true (and...læs mere